22nd Tishri Tuesday 28th September Feast Of Booths Day 8. Last day for those outside of Jerusalem. A double portion of worship, prayer and celebration, and a long, recap devotional here. Glory hallelujah! Glory amen! https://youtube.com/watch?v=JyT_XvM2W5k Forever Jesus Messiah Judges 4 v11:24 Thy word is a lamp unto our feet Lord. You are the Most High, the Living God, the Alpha and Omega, the Maker and Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. Who is like You, Lord? Who can fathom the depths of Your ways? Thank You for this feast and celebration. For leading and teaching Your children in the wilderness, for providing for them and us. You went before them as a pillar of fire at night and a pillar of cloud by the day. Your hand was stern upon them, when their rebellion was great, Your mercy never departed from them, and You returned like the summer rain to refresh and restore them when they humbled themselves and returned to You. This truly is a feast of the harvest also, as it is a promise of our return to be with You, when all the work on this earth is done. As in the text verses today, You will establish Your people and they will sing and testify of Your great goodness in all the earth. Glory hallelujah! Glory amen! You are sovereign in all the world. Glory hallelujah and glory amen! Lift up Your children and establish them so others may see and believe, for Your glory, and the coming of Your Kingdom upon the earth. Amen and glory hallelujah. Glory hallelujah and amen. ​ Judges 5 Great Is Thy Faithfulness Psalm19 21st Tishri Monday 27th September Feast of Booths Day 7. Devotional here. https://youtube.com/watch?v=i2EwlMkHM88 My Saviour Lives Redeemed Matthew 18 v12:14 You are for us, and not against us, sovereign Lord. You have called us, pursued us, ransomed us. How can the sheep thank the shepherd? How can the debtor ever repay such an enormous debt? Yet You do not ask it. You did all this because it is who You are. Thank You, Father. Yet we will praise You, yet we will look to You, yet we will do what we can, our utmost, for Your Kingdom, out of love, out of thanks, out of respect, for no further reward than the one that You have already given us in Your Son, Jesus, who is the Christ. Amen. 20th Tishri Sunday 26th September Festival of Booths Day 6. Devotional here. https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ao2X7fURjtQ Create In Me A Clean Heart Take Me In To The Holy Of Holies Psalm 41 In all of creation, Lord God Almighty, there is only one thing that can grieve You. You gave mankind free will, that they may choose their path, even though in this same choice was the opportunity to choose a path that took us away from You. Who is like You, Lord, who would give such a precious gift in full knowledge of the possible cost? Lord Jehovah, let us, at the beginning of this new week, consider how and where we have grieved You. In stubbornness, in grumbling, in vanity, in pride. In any and all of the ways of our sickness and rebellion. Help us lift each one up to You, with sorrow and thanksgiving, for You have come, as the Prince of Peace, and borne all such sadness to the Cross. Glory be to the Most High, Living God. Glory be and praise to the Son, the Lamb, who was slain in our place. Glory be to the Spirit of God, who now dwells with us until the coming of the Lord's Glorious Day. We lift holy hands to You, washed clean by the blood of Jesus. Amen. 19th Tishri Saturday 25th September Feast of Booths Day 5. Devotional here. https://youtube.com/watch?v=viZyxCKycFQ Fight The Good Fight Be Still My Soul 2 Peter 3 v8:13 Oh Lord, lead us by the narrow way. May our hearts and minds and mouths ever be lifted to You, help us challenge the spirits of grumbling and malcontent whenever they drift upon our shoulder like dark ash or falling snow. Let us this day count our blessings near and far, great and small, that we may sing praises of the One who has provided for our needs, who has held us by His strong right hand. You are worthy and deserving of our praise, so let us make a joyful noise we pray, in Jesus's name, amen. Psalm 34 v1:8 Lord Of Patience Ascending To Your Spirit 18th Tishri Friday 24th September Feast Of Booths Day 4. Devotional here. https://youtube.com/watch?v=2UVsNoRk0J0 God I Look To You ​​ Here For You Acts 22 v30, 23 v1:5 Unfathomable love. Is there anything too much for you to ask of your children? Now that we are alive? Now that we have been set free? To face the Enemy himself and his servants? To be taken down even unto death? You have called us to witness, You have commissioned us to teach, You have equipped us to tear down strongholds. Help us to stand, Lord, boldly and with courage, yet keep us from the arrogance and pride that will cause to think that we achieve anything good in our own strength and character, in turn allowing the Enemy to fashion trumped up charges against us. As shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. You are the Light of Life, You are the Living Water, pour out and shine on us and in us, that all may see the splendour and glory of Your Son. We pray this in the name above all names, Jesus, Yeshua, our Messiah and Immanuel. Amen. 17th Tishri Thursday 23rd September Feast of Booths Day 3. Devotional here. https://youtube.com/watch?v=XlpuUFvP4qg You Are God Alone God Of Wonders Psalm 132 v1:5 Holy God, we seek You while You can be found. We hunger and thirst for You. We choose a corner in Your house, over the kingdoms of men. Yet, Lord, we must pursue holiness. We must strive towards righteousness. We know that we cannot achieve perfection in our own right, yet this should never be an excuse for us not to try. We come before You, the holy and perfect God, as broken vessels, as children crying out in the wilderness, "Lord, lead us home." Help us, this day, experience some of that holiness. Cleanse us and set us upon the right path, and keep us from every trap and snare of our Enemy, that we might know You, and what it is to live for You, in Jesus's name, we pray, amen. 16th Tishri Wednesday 22nd September Festival of Booths Day 2. Devotional here. https://youtube.com/watch?v=15nCSkByj84 Mighty To Save ​Our God Is An Awesome God Psalm 12 Yes, Lord of Hosts and King of Kings, we know that You are Jehovah Jireh, and we know that You own the cattle on a thousand hills, and we know that You can open the storehouses and windows of Heaven to let Your blessings pour forth, yet we are also mindful and spare a thought and prayer this day against those who would twist and corrupt Your word for selfish gain. You supply Your children according to their needs, not their wants. May You open the eyes who fill there own barns from Yours, who do not spare a thought or pay the merest pittance towards those who are in need more than them. You bless us that we may bless others, You test us in our investment of Your, God given, talents. As we pray against those who receive to keep and stow away, we also give thanks for what You have done, are doing and will do, in the lives of those who are truly in need, for Your glory, amen. 15th Tishri Tuesday 21st September Feast of Booths Day 1. Devotional here. https://youtube.com/watch?v=1TwJ4XSGK34 He Has Made Me Glad There Is None Like You Psalm 119 v89:96 You are the faithful God of Israel. You are the Alpha and the Omega. You have made a way for all to enter in through Your Son, Jesus, Yeshua, who is the Messiah. There truly is none like You, Lord. You alone are worth the journey, You alone are worthy of all praise. Today, Lord, help us receive and honour You, help us to step out of the boat, to step in to the wilderness, that You may be our God in our total surrender and awestruck wonder of who You are and what You do. Hosanna! Hosanna! And praises to Your name! Hosanna! Hosanna! And honour to Your Son. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain. Glory hallelujah! Glory amen! Preparation 2: The Lulav https://youtube.com/watch?v=MUbjZZ4pBpg Preparation 1: The Place https://youtube.com/watch?v=4P2ApeVWZRI