29th Tamuz Tuesday 18th July Theme: Setting The Captives Free A call to fast and pray for the last day of this month long intercession. Glory to God, the Most High! Reckless Love Good Shepherd Matthew 18 v10:14 Your word declares that even the best of our works are as blood stained rags before You, King of the Heavens and the Earth. We are but grains of sand, chaff for the fire; here today and tomorrow set aside for burning. Ephemeral, passing; like a vapour in the wind. Yet You have exalted us, O Lord. You set us on our feet and breathed life into our veins. You have endured suffering and the death of Yourself, Your only Son upon a cross, in order to give each and every one on earth the opportunity for new life. Now, in this temporary plane, and forever in the courts of Your Kingdom. We thank You for this month. We thank You for each life that we have lifted towards You. We thank You for Your right and just response. You are the Father. You are the Maker, the Creator. You are our King. And we bow down and worship You again, presenting each life that You have caused us to think and be concerned about over the last twenty nine days. We pray and fast not for show but to encounter more of Your love, authority, wisdom and power. We hope that our sacrifice of praise is as a sweet smelling aroma to You. And we are sorry, Lord, for each and every thing and time that we have fallen short of Your standard. You are worthy of all praise. You have called us to holiness. Finally, for the last time in this month of devotion, we humbly ask for You to rebuke the Devil, in each and every life that we have lifted up. To bind him and blind him to the presence of these people that You came to save, that they may yet be snatched as brands from the fire. That You may be glorified, that Your name may be lifted high. Jesus, Yeshua, Messiah, we know that You are the Good Shepherd, the Gate and Gatekeeper. Stand the door to be opened a little longer for them that fear You in their heart of hearts, stubborn and foolish as they are. We were once the same, and we are sorry for that, may their hearts, ears and eyes be opened that You may be exalted, for all the good and great things that You have done. Hosanna! Hallelujah! Amen! Romans 8 v22:39 Song Of Solomon Lord Of All Hopefulness 28th Tamuz Monday 17th July Theme: Setting The Captives Free An extra portion of praise pressing in to the last week of intercession. All glory to God! We are declaring a fast for tomorrow for the last day of this month long intercedence. Do join in! Isaiah 40 Song Leaning On My Beloved Amos 9 O Lord God of Israel, You are patient and faithful towards the people that You have created. You take a personal and intimate interest in each and every one. You count every hair on every head, You knit us together in the womb. So beautiful, so caring, so compassionate, He who sent His only begotten Son as a ransom for each and every estranged child. What then for those who deliberately turn away from You? For those who harden their hearts and stiffen their necks? For those who purposely refuse to come under Your authority or to take their place in the body of Your church? The Lake of Fire. The most painful and soul destroying words in all Creation. "Depart from me, it is as if I never knew you." Lord God of Heaven. We do not condemn. We continue to reach out, to intercede, to stand in the gap. For You have done the same for us and more. Glory be to Your name and long arm forever! Yet, You will never do the one thing that drove Lucifer mad. You will not violate a person's right to choose. We set once again the people that we have been praying and interceding for before You, O Father in Heaven, we do not and cannot demand their release, yet we do plead, we do beg on their behalf. That You may be glorified. And we accept Your decree and give thanks, that whilst they still draw breath, they can choose surrender over disdain, action over inaction, life over death. In Jesus's name we pray that any of those we pray for today read the text associated with this devotion and think seriously about their condition and walk with You and Your chosen and called people, for Your glory alone. May they not be proud kings and queens that come against Your city, Jerusalem. Amen! City Of Elohim 27th Tamuz Sunday 16th July Theme: Setting The Captives Free An extra portion of praise pressing in to the last week of intercession. All glory to God! The Battle Belongs To The Lord Blessed Assurance 2 Kings 6 v8:17 We thank and praise You, O Lord for Your strength and majesty. For Your mighty army, the mightiest in all Creation. We thank You that You fight and care for the least of us, as Your word declares, "whilst we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." You have authority and dominion, the battle belongs to you, You have already won the victory. Jesus arose and lives again! Thank You for the things seen and unseen, thank You for Your faithfulness and love. Today we pray for the tearing down of strongholds of the Enemy. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, so we declare the blood of Jesus over those places of dark thinking and stubborn resistance that occupy the minds of even professing believers. We pray against them as siege weapons capable of smashing them and pulling them to pieces. In Jesus's mighty name! Amen! It Is Well With My Soul 26th Tamuz Saturday 15th July Theme: Setting The Captives Free With a double portion of praise and worship for the Sabbath. Psalm 90 Psalm 19 1 Corinthians 13 O, glorious Lord, how excellent and marvellous are Your ways! You loved the world so much that You gave Your only begotten Son, the only one to come purely and directly from You. We are Your breath and clay. Everything else was spoken into being by You but this was and is Your Living Word, made flesh. An act of love like no other. A truth that cannot be undone or stood against with success. Your word declares that either we will fall upon the Rock and be broken in pieces, or that the Rock will fall upon us and crush us. It is the first that we need to be born again. The other is the unthinkable horror of totally and finally departing from You, being cut off, made void. So we walk in brokenness today, Father, and reach out to You and others of Your calling, that Your church may be built up. This is not a Kingdom defined by earthly boundaries, or creeds, colours and castes. This is a Kingdom defined by the One who first died for it, the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven declared upon the Earth. Glory be to the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings! Glory be to the Son, Yeshua, who overcame sin and the grave! Glory be to the Spirit of God, who lives in us and gives us comfort, joy, peace, love and rest! Glory to God forever! Amen! Psalm 133 Psalm 63 Psalm 139 25th Tamuz Friday 14th July Theme: Setting The Captives Free An extra portion of praise pressing in to the last week of intercession. All glory to God! Thy Lovingkindness God I Look To You Hebrews 4 v9:16 You empathise with us perfectly, Lord God Almighty. As the scripture says, You were tempted in every way common to man. You know the source of our doubts and fears. You know perfectly, and it grieves You, the heart of our Enemy, Satan. Everything in Heaven and on the Earth lays open before You, and You see rightly, able to discern all of our ways. This is how You know that a heart is turned against You. This is how You know they must be put aside. Today we join You in Your prayers during Your times of temptation, where Your heart was heavy and Your body hungry. Though You do not need us, though You are able to carry the fight completely without us, You have expressed a desire to work through us. And, Lord, as You understand us, we must come to understand something about You. For Your glory and name's sake. So today we pray with You, for strength from the Father, for comfort from the Spirit, for courage of Yourself to overcome and continue on. You have paved a way for us, Great High Priest, You have torn the veil and won the war. And we thank You and glorify You and stand with You, in every trial and storm. Amen. Holy, Holy, Holy 24th Tamuz Thursday 13th July Theme: Setting The Captives Free An extra portion of praise pressing in to the last week of intercession. All glory to God! Here For You Arise 1 Thessalonians 3 v3:12 You take Your place at the heart of Your army, Lord God of Israel. You go, high above them, as a banner and a burning fire, the Light of the World, the great emblem and seal, at once gate and gatekeeper. And who shall prevail against You, King of Kings? Cities? Heroes? Nations? All will fall by Your sword who make their stand against You. At the very mention of Your name, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that You alone are God. Today, and each day, we take our place in Your ranks, King of Heaven. We cannot measure up, we are frail humanity, poorly equipped in ourselves, for the battle to come, yet we will fight and gain the victory because we are sanctified by Your blood, we are robed in Your armour. So today we lift up another song, today we lift up a shout of praise, to Yahweh Elohim, our God who reigns on high and yet reaches down to catch the most wretched of sinners who turns and calls upon His name. Majesty of Heaven, we salute You and let forth our battle cry, "Our God reigns!" May our love for You and the people of the world reflect Your true intention to make peace by bringing war, a war for men's hearts and the one, true way to live, love and thrive in this dark and corrupted world. For Jesus! For glory! That the lost might be found and the orphan take a home; that the hungry might be fed and the wounded be healed, in Jesus's name. Amen! Mighty Man Of War 23rd Tamuz Wednesday 12th July Theme: Setting The Captives Free An extra portion of praise pressing in to the last week of intercession. All glory to God! Nobody Loves Me Like You He Who Would Valiant Be Matthew 13 v44:50 We would like to thank You, Lord God of Israel, for the help and blessing that You have poured out during this time of focused intercession this far. That You have heard every prayer is enough, yet we read and know that Hell has been shaken and the earth caused to tremble. You are on Your throne in the Heavenly Temple, yet the very idea of Your coming and the certain knowledge that on the Last Day You will is enough to make every dark heart fearful, to make every twisted soul cry out, to make every evil spirit flee. Though we may not see the things that we want, we trust You in each and every situation, we know and bow down to the God of, 'Yes!' and 'Amen!' alone. So thanks to You this day, Father, Son and Spirit, praises to Your name and all glory and honour to You forever. Amen! Consuming Fire 22nd Tamuz Tuesday 11th July Theme: Setting The Captives Free Days Of Elijah Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing 1 Chronicles 16 v15:36 Today we proclaim Your grace, goodness, splendour and majesty to all the heavenly realms. Though we don't know their number, though we have never looked upon them with our human eyes, we know that they are there, we know that they are real. Even to the place of Sheol, where Satan's Kingdom lays, we declare the Great God Yahweh, and His Son Yeshua. We proclaim Your authority, Yahweh Elohim, we proclaim Your victory. We raise the spiritual banner of the Cross and speak of the marvellous works of Your hands. May the demons turn and flee from us, so great and glorious is Your name, may those near us, held in their sway, be set free and awestruck by Your moving and doing in their lives. In Jesus's name we pray, amen! 21st Tamuz Monday 10th July Theme: Setting The Captives Free I Am A Friend Of God Above All 1 Chronicles 29 v11:13 You are truly the King of Heaven, O Lord of Lords and King of Kings. You are the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last. You are the Maker and Creator of All the Heavens and the Earth. And we worship You. You are worthy of all praise. Today's scripture goes on to read, "But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly after this sort?" We are so tiny in comparison to You, in every way. Yet You have declared Your intention, You have decreed our position, You have desired to relate with some part of Your creation, to commune with something that is autonomous from You. And that is who we are. What You have so amazingly given, what You have honoured and blessed us with beyond all of Your creation, is the freedom to choose. May we choose this day to continue to pursue and uphold our best and greatest of decisions, the decision to follow You, Your Son, Jesus, in thought, action and deed. You are worthy of all honour and praise, yet we thank You for sparing our lives and giving us a way to be born again, made new in You and through You, for Your glory alone. May we stand in this today against the powers of darkness, standing as adopted sons and daughters, co heirs and, even, as friends. You are the Most Splendid, the Most High, and we seek to align ourselves with Your will and way, to be ambassadors and defenders of Your Kingdom here upon the earth and to petition You, the Father, through You, Your Son, Jesus Christ, for action to set the captives free through the power of You, Your Holy Spirit. Amen. 20th Tamuz Sunday 9th July Theme: Setting The Captives Free An extra song of worship as a sign of commitment to our cause in the new week. Show Me Your Glory Hosanna He Reigns Zechariah 7 v4:14 In Your grace and in Your victory there is forgiveness, O Lord, and You call us to forgive others as You have forgiven us. Lead us in this, we pray today, that even those who have hardened their hearts against us and caused us pain and even suffering in their stubborn refusal of the truth may be looked upon with renewed love and genuine gratitude, may we see as with Your eyes, Lord of Hosts, a child that You died to save; a work in progress with the potential to do great things. May our poor witness not count in their journey, may we repent and learn the true heart of Your gospel in continue to look upon them with humility, grace and favour, setting their transgressions aside as far as the East is from the West. Such You have done for us, may we do for them, out of love and in Your name, amen. 19th Tamuz Saturday 8th July Theme: Setting The Captives Free A double portion of praise and worship for the Sabbath Resurrecting All Creatures Of Our God And King Isaiah 41 v17:20 It is by Your decree and power that we live, O Lord God of Israel. Maker and Creator, You have brought us forth out of the dust, You have knit us together in the womb of our mothers. Father, we thank You for Your provision and blessing. For all that You have done, are doing and will do. It is amazing and humbling to us that You have given us so much, more than we deserve, and yet You will give us even more. However we must turn to serve You. We must invest with the talents that You have given us. We must not be idle or disruptive. While we have breath in our bodies and the name of Jesus on our lips, You have called us to a higher purpose and standing. That of disciple, bondservant, friend. Help us in this, as we stand in the gap and intercede for those around us who are, as we once were, desperate for Your touch. We stand only as Your Holy Spirit dwells in us to make us stand, we walk only as that same spirit goes with us. We pray and request help and provision against the pride that would be our undoing. You have made us new. You have lifted us from the grave. You have set us on a place to stand and it is only in that, Christ Jesus, that we have hope or remain. Yeshua, Messiah, provide for us once again from the Father's riches in glory, that Your name be lifted up. Amen. 2 Thessalonians 3 v1:9 You Are Worthy Of My Praise City Of Elohim 18th Tamuz Friday 7th July Theme: Setting The Captives Free The Same Power Forever Hosea 7 v5:12 You will bring Your judgement on all of creation when You come again, O Lord God of Isaac. Even Your elected people will be found wanting if they worship idols or play the harlot with other gods. Yet, until that time, it is good for us to remember and celebrate the victory that You have already won, the victory over sin, the Devil and the grave. Glory and honour be to Your name forever! How You remember Your promises and keep to Your covenants. Christ Jesus is risen and You are alive with Him, where He is seated at Your right hand, so close as to be indistinguishable, One and the same. Glory, honour and power be forever! It is in this light that we intercede for others, it is in this vein that we seek and uphold the lost, lonely broken and afraid. It is in this truth that You turned Your earthly eyes heavenward and declared, "Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they are doing." Help us heal and hold out for those gain, this day, and to uplift them in prayer and forgive them if they continue to walk and follow in their wicked ways. The final judgement is Yours, not ours, and the hour of Your coming is known only to You. We must respect their right to choose, even though we pray and know that the direction they currently take is the wrong one. Such as they are we once were, and we pray for them in Jesus's mighty name, amen. 17th Tamuz Thursday 6th July Theme: Setting The Captives Free An extra song of worship to drive our commitment to this theme into a new week, for the glory of God. Our God Reigns Here High Above ​Galatians 3 v9:14 ​ You are our King. You are our Captain. We resist the Devil. in Your name. You are Lord of All, the Maker and Creator, and we worship You. Lord of Hosts, please continue to bless us and furnish us in this task of intercession. In our lives and homes, in our workplaces and places of recreation. Keep us mindful of You, always praying, always praising, on Earth as we one day will be in Heaven. Help us look towards You and to continue to uplift those we care about to You, adding more as we journey through life, thinking on the good and great things that You have done, reflecting the splendour of Your written word, ruminating on the marvels that You have completed with Your hands, trusting that You are doing, and want to do, and will do more. Great is Your name in all the earth! Holy is Your name! Jesus, Yeshua, Isa, Messiah, continue in us, we pray, for Your glory and the coming of Your Kingdom upon the Earth. Touch those we lift to You we pray, give life where sackcloth and ashes abound. Amen. 16th Tamuz Wednesday 5th July Theme: Setting The Captives Free Perfected In Love Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart Habbakuk 2 v1:4 Yes, Lord, we thank You and praise You for You have delivered us up from our deserved end. We were sinful and ruthless, rebellion was our very nature, yet You have delivered us victoriously through the death of Your Son. O such a cost! O such a victory! Thank You, Father, though may we never forget our beginning or think of ourselves as better than those who cry out for mercy or suffer without understanding. Even those who bathe in foolishness. Keep us humble, that we may see and walk with a right attitude, a contrite heart surrendered fully to You. Do not let the Enemy denude us or slander You with his accusations though, we stand in righteousness for Your name's sake, a chosen people and a royal priesthood praying for Your Spirit to move in the lives of those we love and care about, for the glory of the One who made all these things possible, Yeshua, Jesus, called Isa, Your Son. Amen. 15th Tamuz Tuesday 4th July Theme: Setting The Captives Free Firm Foundation Cornerstone 2 Timothy 3 v8:17 We celebrate You today, Lord, as we do every day and more. May we give abundantly as Your grace abounds to those who love You. May we be extravagant in our worship and praise, vocal in our testimony and steadfast in our witness and acknowledgement of what You have done for the world, and what You have done in our lives. We revisit this text that we may be tested for double mindedness and the selfish ambition of men and women who crave knowledge and power for selfishly derived ends. Our lips may speak the words of thanksgiving and truth, yet it is in the living that we want to enjoin with You, Lord of Hosts, for You alone are so splendid and wonderful. This is the joy and deep satisfaction that we want to share with others, even to the point of persecution and death, that Your name may be known and Your truth may be sewn into all the world. So great You are, so much more You deserve. Glory hallelujah! Glory amen! Jesus is the cornerstone become capstone! He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, amen! 14th Tamuz Monday 3rd July Theme: Setting The Captives Free Almighty God Who You Say I Am Isaiah 35 v4:8 Yes, Lord God of Israel, the Maker and Creator of All the Universe, You have made a way. You have sent Your Son, Jesus. He was born and lived a perfect life and was betrayed and sacrificed so that He could be raised from death on the third day, winning a victory that only He could win. Paying a ransom that only the blood of every living human ever could assuage with His own. And we continue to fight, pray and proclaim freedom for the captives that we know in our lives. Not that can be won over to us, but that they can sense and know and see and choose You, or to reject You. We place no caveat or condition, we make only the prayer that they be set free from the dominion of Hell to do so, that they be sanctified in Your sight, according to Your word, truth and promise. Our hope is that they choose You, Father, for You are our hope and blessing, and we know that Your grace is sufficient, that Your faith reaches unto the skies. So we uphold them, near and dear, far-off and aloof, antagonistic and aggressive. That they may know You and see You, in Jesus's name, amen. 13th Tamuz Sunday 2nd July Theme: Setting The Captives Free An extra song of worship to drive our commitment to this theme into a new week, for the glory of God. Light The Fire Again Be Bold, Be Strong We Want To See Jesus Lifted High 2 Timothy 3 Yes, Lord, come and live in Your people, we pray. Today we lift up each other, those worshippers who have just begun or been persisting in intercessory prayer for the captive members of their society since the start, at the beginning of the month of Tamuz. Family members, friends, colleagues or enemies. You died that all may come and return to You, should they choose it, and praying for their freedom from bondage serves to bring them to a place of peace and clarity where they can make a choice without distraction or deception obscuring their view. Yet this is an endeavour of endurance and faith, and as such we lift up our fellow believers and prayer warriors, wherever they are on the globe, and ask that You strengthen them and bless them in their task, to give them courage and to reveal Yourself in their practice and endeavour, affirming with Your Spirit that You are close by their side. Refresh them and lift them to their task, may You be glorified forever in their hearts, eyes and minds as they stand upon Your promises, proclaiming the truths of Your Kingdom. Protect them from the schemes and tricks and traps of the Enemy, may they step lightly through them, rejoicing, by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Glorious and Holy God, Most High, the God of Isaac and Jacob, we pray to You today and each day forever, amen. ​ 12th Tamuz Saturday 1st July Theme: Setting The Captives Free 100 Billion X How Great Is Our God Psalm 19 v1:4 Father, today we continue in the prayer support of our friends, family members, work colleagues and enemies, with an acknowledgement that although You confounded the languages of men at the time of the Tower of Babel, You remain able to understand each tongue or utterance or testimony that we give, more perfectly than we understand it ourselves. You see and know the heart of each of us. So, LORD, we pray to You and give thanks and declare that language is not a barrier to You, that You may not be confounded by the Enemy or his servants seeking refuge in the spirit of miscommunication. In whatever the medium, in whatever the situation, may Your voice ring clear in the hearts and minds of those we pray for and lift up, that they be given the opportunity to see and know You, as we ourselves see and know You. We know and give thanks that the decision for their life is not ours to make, yet we petition You for protection and clarity that they may have the best of opportunities to receive You in Jesus's mighty name. May You be glorified in the majesty of Your overcoming. Amen! John 12 v19:31 Yeshu Masih Ki Jai Jesu Cristo Basta 11th Tamuz Friday 30th June Theme: Setting The Captives Free Passion Waymaker Mark 4 v1:20 Jesus, You changed everything. There is no way or direction we can go in that will satisfy our souls. You were ever and before, You are far and above. Help us , Lord, seek and serve You. There is no other way or calling that we would want to pursue, no other expression of righteousness that we would want to be covered in. O! To be of the fruitful crop! You have been faithful all of our lives, please continue to be so, for Your glory, amen. 10th Tamuz Thursday 29th June Theme: Setting The Captives Free Leaning On My Beloved Alpha And Omega 2 Peter 3 v8:13 Today, Lord, we press into Your presence. We pray that, as we dwell in You and trust in You and rest in You, that You will live in us. In this season of prayer and spiritual conflict, we acknowledge that it is only through You that the victory will be won and we accept, that You will accomplish all according to Your will and purpose, in the fulness of Your just judgement and righteousness. We bow down before You and lay ourselves at Your feet, for You alone are the King Of Heaven, the First and the Last, worthy of all praise, glory and honour forever. We praise You in the sanctuary and on the mountainsides, that people of every tribe, nation and tongue may see and know that Your name is above every other name, the name of Your Son, Yeshua, Jesus, who came and lived and died that the captives may be truly set free. We give thanks and delight in Your refuge, and continue to work and wait for Your glory and the people of the earth whose names we continue to bring before You, and uphold them that they may be witnesses to Your everlasting majesty and splendour. Amen. 9th Tamuz Wednesday 28th June Theme: Setting The Captives Free God Is Able Love Knows No End Joshua 3 Today we pray for the loved ones associated with those who we have been interceding for. The children and the elderley, the husbands and the wives. Those that have looked on at the suffering spirit of a troubled victim, those that have themselves been caused to suffer because of the poor decisions carried out for the wrong motives. Those that act under rebellion or witchcraft always harm those around them, especially those close to them. They may not even be aware that this is the case. So, Lord, we lift up the victims, the innocent, the unnecessary subjects of these vile times and their servants. You do not condemn the innocent, so we pray for their protection and sanctification and that they can witness effectively, and far beyond their means, through the power of the Holy Spirit. As with the afflicted donkey of Balak, cause Your children to speak for Your glory, in Jesus's name, that these innocents can cross over the Jordan one day, knowing that they to joined in the intercession to set the captives free. Amen. ​ 8th Tamuz Tuesday 27th June Theme: Setting The Captives Free In His Time See His Love Ezekiel 11 v14:21 We press in to Your promises, Lord God Jehovah, when we seek the freedom of our friends, our loved ones, our enemies, our colleagues and our neighbours. We look to You to work through us. Please validate our witness in their sight and hearing, we pray. Yours is the light we want to shine, Yours is the narrow way that we would want them to to take steps upon. So we claim Your promise of setting the captives free and fulfil our commission of giving sight to the blind. May the blood of Jesus be against every power or potentate that binds them, Amen. 7th Tamuz Monday 26th June Theme: Setting The Captives Free Adding an extra song this week to reinforce our commitment to this cause Float Lord You're Mighty Victory Belongs To Jesus Ephesians 3 v14:21 Today we pray a prayer of those set free and unbound during our previous week's prayer and ask that Your Spirit speak and uphold those who are bewildered or surprised or even fearful of their new found freedom. You give peace that is not like the world's peace, something that is life changing. It is the work of Your Holy Spirit, not something conjured through the emotional manipulation of a chemical response, but rather an acknowledgement, and agreement that something other and better and more powerful than we can possibly imagine exists, and is real and is benevolent towards us. Though we can feel that we are drowning in this new knowledge and understanding, it is the time to take up that often cancelled quest for satisfaction and the truth, and appeal to the Father as a drowning child, an appeal to love as a starving refugee, desperate and hungry for nourishment, needful of the very thing that can cause us to live and breathe again. We know, and pray for those we have interceded for, that they come to realise that which truly satisfies comes only through the precious blood of Jesus, the Holy Spirit moving and stirring in us, affirming the truth that Jesus Christ is King, the Risen Saviour who sacrificed His life that all who choose to listen, watch and obey may enter in to a New Covenant relationship with Him. Be our Lord Jesus. Have Your way in us. For the Father's glory and the coming of Your Kingdom upon the Earth. Amen. 6th Tamuz Sunday 25th June Theme: Setting The Captives Free All Consuming Fire A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 1 Kings 18 v20:41 It seems fitting to use an older translation of Your word Lord to relate the story of Your fire consuming the offering of Your prophet, Elijah, yet, in truth, Your word is alive and powerful in whatever text that delivers Your meaning first. This threat and potential is as real today as it was three thousand years ago, We ask and persist in prayer, Lord, for those loved ones that are given over to worship of other Gods, who follow after spiritual idols that are really the same gods such as Baal and Ashteroth and Dagon who were followed after in Elijah's time. These powers are not to be trifled with, yet through the power of the blood of Your Son, Jesus, we claim His victory over all of them. In releasing the captives through cleansing power, we pray for the sense of Spirit that will cause them to run to You for refuge, for no other place is safe. That You may be glorified, that the name of Jesus may be lifted high. Amen. ​ 5th Tamuz Saturday 24th June Theme: Setting The Captives Free Sabbath Rest A double portion of praise and worship for the Sabbath You Are Faithful Fill Me Up Jeremiah 32 v17:27 These words were written and spoken during a time when the ten tribes were hard in their rebellion against You, Jesus. This business of intercession and overcoming is too hard for us, Lord God of Israel, Lord of the Sabbath, even You took rest from ministry during Your short life on earth. All Hell comes against us, many people are resolute in their unbelief. Yet You are able. Your grace is more than sufficient. For those that we have helped this week, we give thanks and praise and ask You to press Your Spirit into their healing, into their blessing, into their new found peace. We know that our lives and times are fleeting, so we pray into this moment, into this day that they might know and receive that You are God and that You are able to release them, redeem them. That You are able to heal them of every sickness and every disease, that You are able to free them from every trick, trap, snare and bond of the Enemy. Not as some conjuror, performing parlour tricks, but as the Lord of Heaven, the Maker and Creator who has set His heart and desire on redeeming His people to Himself. A Lord and God who will stop at nothing until what He has declared and decreed has come to pass. Our God. The Righteous and Loving God. The Maker and Creator. Yahweh, Jehovah, Elohim. Amen. John 17 v9:23 Where You Are Here Is Love, Vast As The Ocean ​ 4th Tamuz Friday 23rd June Theme: Setting The Captives Free More Love, More Power Break Every Chain Psalm 119 v71:88 Today we pray, Lord, Adonai, Mighty God of Israel, for those people we know that are battling with addiction. Whether it is alcohol or drugs, obsessive cleaning or compulsive gambling, fornication or material living, we know and declare them as the idols that they are. We pray to break every spirit of witchcraft, every generational curse, every dark lie in the mind of those who suffer in this way. Moved and compelled as if beyond their control, the plaything of the demonae, the spirits of the fallen angels that You unbodied at the flood. This is not a pretty battle, for such powers and potentates do not give up their victims easily, yet we pray and trust in You, Father, and the cleansing power and authority of the blood that was spilled by Your Son Yeshua, Jesus; that was poured out that the burden of sin may be revoked, once and for all. We claim that the blood of Jesus is against such as these spirits, and ask, in the name of the Son, for the Father to send His Spirit to set them free, that they may know a peace and have an opportunity to drink of the Living Water. This is a miracle of great portent, Father, and we do not ask for it lightly. We pray in this season for all the captives of the Devil in our lives, we pray for ourselves first and lay every sin at the foot of the Cross. You came that we might live. We live only as we uphold Your name in spirit and truth, for Your glory alone. Reign in us, Christ Jesus, we pray, reign in our lives and the lives of those we care about. Amen. 3rd Tamuz Wednesday 22nd June Theme: Setting The Captives Free Our God Reigns Here The Battle Belongs To The LORD Nahum 1 v7:15 There is no greater prayer that we can make in spiritual warfare, Lord God of Israel, than to ask You to intervene and rebuke the Enemy. Our foe and Your foe is Satan, the enemy of mankind, the Deceiver, the one who was a thief and a murderer from the beginning. He will kill who he can kill, though he cannot come near Your elect. Father may You rebuke Satan. In our lives, in our minds, in our homes, in our families and in our relationships. May You bind him and blind him to our presence. May You protect our loved ones from his casual use. We are weak and frail, fleeting, as humans, yet we stand as royal priests according to Your word, and accept the truth that, "greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world." Sanctify and cleanse us today, Lord, and cause us to see with Your Spirit's eyes that we remain vigilant to his return or his schemes. As we lift up those close to us in prayer, bless them that they may know peace and consider the things of Your Kingdom, in Jesus's matchless and glorious name. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Glory hallelujah and amen! 2nd Tamuz Wednesday 21st June Theme: Setting The Captives Free Fill Me Up And Overflow Holy Spirit Acts 7 v2:58 To be set free of the kind of captivity that we are seeking, Lord God of Israel, El Shaddai, God of Isaac, we need the advocacy, power, guidance, comfort and protection of Your Holy Spirit. Angels may walk us free from physical prisons, but the kind of forces and strongholds that bind many here are not physical in nature but spiritual, even carnal. We ask a boon against the powers of darkness, we request Your grace beyond our ability to deserve it, or the people we lift up, because it is by Your Spirit and grace and truth alone that any of us are saved. Yes, we must have faith to turn to You, so we ask for the burning bush to be placed in the lives of those we lift up and petition for this day, and each day, until Your Son comes again on the earth. Family members, friends, work colleagues, people we pass in the street, even and especially our enemies. Your servant Nehemiah opened his table to those who mocked, cajoled and threatened him and the people rebuilding Jerusalem, may we do the same that Your goodness and generosity may be shown, that they may receive of the same gift that we have. May every bondage and deceit, misnomer and maleficence be removed that they may see Your glorious light, even from afar off, and, we pray, respond. In Jesus's name, amen. ​ 1st Tamuz Tuesday 20th June Theme: Setting The Captives Free Reckless Love Love Has A Name Jeremiah 17 v7:17 How good are You, oh Lord of Lords? How wonderful? We have nothing to compare Your attributes to, because in each of them You eclipse every other living thing. You are more than them. You alone are God. While many people put their faith and focus on the things of the world, there are a few who aspire higher, yet fall into the age old trap of worshipping gods other than You. What were Dagon and Baal and Ashteroth in the Old testament are also Neptune and Krishna and Ishtar in other places. And yet, You are far and above all of them. They are resident in Your creation, necessary for the things that need to be done, yet they, in their comparative weakness and inferiority to You, demand adoration and adulation, blind faith, from their acolytes, sucking the life force from them, reducing them to the dust and ashes reserved for those who would make enemies of themselves to You. Today we pray for Your love to release those we know and care about that are held in thrall by such powers. Yes, even of Satan himself. Where they give themselves over, we pray for a reckless and undeserved sway back to the right path. That they may see You and choose without deception or deceit. That they may be free from bondage and curses, witchcraft and the powerful prayers from those who serve the dark and seek to do them harm. For all those we lift up now, in image or name, for Your glory, Lord, set the captives free, please, we pray. In Jesus's name. Amen. ​