30th Cheshvan Sunday 1st December Miracles Show Me Your Glory John 12 v16:33 You were revealed to Your people and affirmed through the miracles that You performed and the very voice of the Father from heaven. And yet still the people would reject You and Your disciples deny You just a few short days later. Your word shows here that this was the thing necessary to open the way to all the people of the world, all who would repent and receive You as their lord and saviour. Today we do not look to You for miracles and signs as marks of Your power or a source for our delight, we ask for them that You may again be revealed to a world that is doubtful and despairing. We point to You in testimony and through scripture, yet we need Your manifest Spirit to blow away the final cobwebs of doubt. Signs and wonders, miracles and healings. Show them amongst us we pray, that the Father may be glorified and Your name, Jesus, be lifted up over every other name in the hearts and minds of men and women around the world. Amen. ​ 29th Cheshvan Saturday 30th November With All My Heart Psalm 63 Deuteronomy 7 v14:23 You are exacting in Your word about the treatment of Your enemies, Father God. You have not hidden it from view, You have declared it openly and honestly, yet there are those that preach that Your love will encompass everything, so that even sinners have nothing to fear. Help us understand and to share how to correctly discern, Lord. Jesus called us to love our enemies, so to correct their steps is to be our reward. Yet the consequence of continued disobedience need be made clear to them, out of love in order to share the possibility of forgiveness and renewal. Bless Your children and continue to overcome their enemies we pray, in Jesus's mighty name. Amen! Luke 19 v26:44 I Am No Victim Hosanna 28th Cheshvan Friday 29th November God Is Able Yahweh Mark 2 v23:28 The Sabbath was made for Your people, Lord, You declared this. Though there is no condemnation for not keeping it, there is still wisdom. Men and women are still frail, You know our condition so well You set an example for us forever. So, in our Preparation day bless us with tine and opportunity to give ourselves over to more of You and less of us. Help us be ready and to honour and keep Your Sabbath rest, that we may know more of the peace that You give and more of the Spirit that You impart. That You may be glorified and that our bodies may be rested and refreshed in preparation for a new week's work in Your Kingdom here on earth. For Your glory and name's sake, amen! 27th Cheshvan Thursday 28th November I Love You Lord All Things Bright And Beautiful 1 Thessalonians 3 v1:10 Good reports, Lord God, gladden the heart. May we be encouraged and connect with our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world today, Lord, as we lift each of them up in prayer to You. For health and wellbeing, for strength and courage in witness, for grace and mercy in their walk, be with them, Lord Jesus, we pray. In Spirit and Truth, with Your angels and servants and by the might and power of Your name, bless them, Lord. You are Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, and a strong church glorifies and testifies to You. And may we bring good reports of their lives to You, who sees all and knows all already, yet delights in the good news and witness of His children. In Your mighty and precious name we pray, amen! 26th Cheshvan Wednesday 27th November Abide With Me We Wait For You Job 28 v20:28 Oh, that glorious day, Lord God of Heaven, when You return to take us to where You are. To dwell with You, to walk with You, to share in Your wisdom, to have every obstacle, burden and barrier fall away. How we look forward to it, how our soul yearns for it, to be released and set free. To be in communion with You is who we really are. And, though we do not deserve it, to share in Your bounty, the abundant provision of a heaven and earth created by You as it was in the beginning. Let us look to Job's words first, that the fear of You is the beginning of wisdom, and help us learn to walk wisely in this world that is corrupt and full of distractions, that we may help others and tread ever closer to You, and that Day when You return. In the mighty and precious name of Jesus, amen. ​ 25th Cheshvan Tuesday 26th November Jesus Messiah Glorified Deuteronomy 6 v23:25 You gave Your people a choice, yet it was one so difficult to choose rightly as to only be possible by one man, and that man to have come from You. You were not looking to catch people out, or cause them harm, instead You were opening a way so narrow that only that same man could walk it first. And now that work is done, and sin and the grave overcome, we are no longer under the burden of sin and shame and death, rather, in accepting the authorship and leadership of our Father in Heaven, we can be born again into a new life, one of everlasting consequence, as an adopted child of the Most High God. Thank You, Jesus, for all that You have done, are doing and will do. Thanks be to You, Holy Spirit, for being with us and guiding us in His absence. You connect us to Him through You. Lead us in His footsteps today we pray, for the glory of the Father and the coming of Your Kingdom to the Earth. Amen. 24th Cheshvan Monday 25th November Ma Yedidot El Shaddai Psalm 19 We do not know what language we will speak when we get to Heaven, father, yet You do. As the scripture says, "there is no speech or language where their voice is not heard." You speak and understand every tongue because You know our thoughts. In this, may our expression towards You always be with love and thanksgiving, for that You have been, for all that You are and for all that You will be. Help us cultivate our own language, that we might glorify You and set an example to others. Let us speak life and good things to others, keep us from saying that which denudes or derides. And, Lord, in times when we can think of no good thing to say, let us keep our peace and give room for others, that their voices might be heard and their opinions valued. For Your name's sake we pray, amen. 23rd Cheshvan Sunday 24th November Holy, Holy, Holy Rising James 4 v13:17 Today we lift up our hands in celebration and thanksgiving for our relationship with You. Christ Jesus, You are the heir and righteous ruler, You were sat upon the Throne of Heaven, at the right hand of the Father. The Word would declare Your personage as divine. Glory be to You, Ancient of Days, glory be to the Lamb, who was slain. And to be in relationship with You, what a privilege! What a blessing! What You originally intended, what You have brought to pass. So, as we give thanks and praise You, may that relationship open in its fulness and glory, that You may be uplifted and Your children given a sense of home, in Your name we pray, Jesus, called Yeshua, for Your glory and the coming of Your Kingdom upon the earth. Amen! 22nd Cheshvan Saturday 23rd November A double portion of praise and worship for the Sabbath. Abide With Me At The Cross ​ Galatians 1 v4:5 Today we lay ourselves at the foot of the Cross, Lord. At Your feet, at the fount of Your unsurpassed glory. Whatever our day, whatever our ways, our business, our distraction, we will find time and set ourselves before You in abject surrender, in complete service, ready and willing to hear Your word and do Your will. Teach us, send us, guide us, do away with us. We are Yours to expend, Father. You have made us. You have blessed us with life, and today we devote that life to You, for Your glory and name's sake, that Your Kingdom may come upon the earth. Amen. 1 John 4 v9:11 Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah I Stand In Awe Of You ​ 21st Cheshvan Friday 22nd November Only A Holy God Take Me Higher Matthew 25 v1:13 To be prepared, to be ready. You will come again. And it will be swift and unexpected, like a thief in the night. Help us heed Your warning and be ready, Lord Jesus. Show us what we need to fill our lamps and trim our wicks. Send Your Holy Spirit to help us keep the vigil, where even Your apostles and disciples failed. Help us look to You and for You, so that You may be welcomed with a shout and songs of praise. You are a worthy God. You are the King of Kings. Count us and keep us as Your welcoming train we pray, amen. 20th Cheshvan Thursday 21st November Beautiful Beyond Description Glorious Day Colossians 3 v1:17 Clothe us in humility, Father. As You clothed our forbears when You banished them from Eden, we ask that You cover us in a humility that reflects Your humbleness when You walked this earth. That carries a measure of Your heart, and a duration that lasts. Let us look to the left and to the right, as well as to the road ahead, for opportunity to serve, help and lead. And, where we have opportunity to speak, may our words ring clear with the affirmation and inspiration of the Spirit You sent from on high. Impress upon us, Father, we pray, make us as a likeness to the One You sent to free us and to guide us, in Jesus's mighty name, amen! 19th Cheshvan Wednesday 20th November My Saviour, My God Ancient Of Days Ephesians 3 v1:12 Yes, You have made a Way for all to enter in to a living, covenant relationship with You for eternity. So well done, Lord of Hosts! So wonderful! Though we pall at the cost, though we yearn for the chance to repay, it is only by this most excellent way could You have done this. And You are risen and live again! Glory hallelujah! Glory amen! 18th Cheshvan Tuesday 19th November Holy Is The Lamb Be Still My Soul Ezekiel 11 v13:21 Though Your wrath rests on Your rebellious people, it does not remain forever, Lord God Almighty. Your heart is to turn them, Your intent is to teach them and Your belief is that they will change from their wicked ways, and choose the paths of righteousness for Your name's sake. Your word declares it often, despite what our eyes may tell us of the world, despite our inability to comprehend a solution, You will prevail and establish unity and peace. Your children will return home. Today, as we touch on that peace in worship, may we ask for more of it in our lives and in the lives of those around us. May Your words resonate through our life and example, that, as with You, others may turn and receive of Your blessing. For Your glory and in Jesus's mighty name we pray, amen. 17th Cheshvan Monday 18th November Pursuit New Wine Luke 18 v35:43 To pursue after You is to commit to You is to be changed by You. For those that say that 'people cannot change' this is anathema. Yet, in every instance, You touched the lives of those that pursued You, whether they knew it or not, and changed their lives so completely and radically that they knew almost nothing else. As radically changed as a blind man being given sight. Your hand is light, yet its touch lasts a lifetime. Help us be mindful of this today, Lord. To be grateful for that touch that so changes us. And, if in complete and honest reflection, we can find no evidence of that touch, help us to accept this and pursue You with every fibre of our being. Like a blind beggar on an ancient roadside, help us cry out, 'Son of David, have pity on me!' Help us press in to that inevitable change today, Lord, that we may be as clay in Your hands, that You may fashion us into whatever You want us to be. In Jesus's glorious name, amen. 16th Cheshvan Sunday 17th November No Longer Slaves Like Oil Lamentations 5 Yes, Lord, today we join with Jeremiah's prayer and raise a cry to You for rescue. You hear every prayer, You know and see the state of every nation, the disarrayed nature of Your church, the cruelty of the world's people, the wars, the sickness, the famine and the death. No part of the universe is hidden from Your view, Most High God. So, as Your people, we cry and look to You for help. Who can stop the wars and the famines? Who can bring the nourishing rain? Who can revive His church into beauty? Who but the kind and loving King of All the Earth? Let Your Spirit speak and be heard, we pray. Raise up leaders and establish their cause for Your glory and name's sake. Fashion Your church, Your children, into a body fit for the returning King, and bring us into Your courts with shouts of glory and praise we pray, in Jesus's mighty and precious name, amen! 15th Cheshvan Saturday 16th November A double portion of praise and worship for the Sabbath. Lifesong Let My Life Be Like A Lovesong Jeremiah 10 v23:25 As we give our lives over to You, as we come to worship You in Spirit and Truth, we want to pursue You more, to glorify You, to proclaim our love for You, to give thanks, to honour, to serve and to take our place and part in saving those You care about in this world. As such, we kneel, stand and dance at Your feet this day, and lift our arms and voices in praise and worship to the Most High God. Yahweh, Yeshua, the God of Isaac and Abraham, the God of Yes and Amen, the Maker and Creator of the Universe, the One, the Three, the Only Begotten Son, who came and lived and died and rose again that we may live our lives today and forever. Glory hallelujah, glory amen! Psalm 150 I Surrender All Sing, Sing, Sing 14th Cheshvan Friday 15th November My Soul Longs For You El Shaddai Ephesians 6 v10:18 To come close to You and to serve You is our heart's desire, Father God. We want to know You more and more. You have called us as royal priests, warriors for Your Kingdom, to stand in the evil day. Teach us more about our responsibility as such today, Lord. We know that we are not justified by works, yet we read of the delight of Your saints, Daniel and Jeremiah, as they press ever deeper into relationship with You. Increase in us, O Lord, that we might gain a sense of You. Increase in us, O Lord, that we might serve You in Your Kingdom. As we are blessed, may we bless others in Your name's sake, the name of Jesus, amen. 13th Cheshvan Thursday 14th November Behold Our God On Jordan's Stormy Banks Leviticus 18 v17:24 In times past, You were exact in relating what was acceptable and unacceptable, and for explaining the reason why. If it twisted or perverted the sacred intention that You had created us for, You described it, so that we might remain holy. Today, covered by the blood of the Lamb, we are set free from sin. Yet this is not a permission to go on sinning. The standards remain, and there is no propitiation left to cover us. We are expected to grow in faith and put away those things that defile us, renounce them and affirm them as the things that cause a stain or injury to the lives that You have created. We can as much continue in habitual sin without action against it as we can run a race whilst staying on fire. Today, Lord, if there is anything holding us back, anything that hinders our walk, will and life with You and in You, let us clearly see it by Your Holy Spirit and have done with it out of reverence for You. Whatever brings us closer to death, let no scandalous accusation of the Devil pervade our thoughts. And, Lord, we pray for those around us to do the same. For Your glory and name's sake, and the coming of Your Kingdom upon the earth. Amen. 12th Cheshvan Wednesday 13th November God Of This City ​Revive Us Psalm 29 Today we stand or kneel or fall on our faces in awe of You, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are mighty, majestic, beyond space and time, beyond the heavens. You are the All In All, matchless, no thing in Heaven or earth can equal You or rival You. You are the Maker and Creator, the First and the Last. Everything in all creation will acknowledge Your sovereignty and superiority. You are unique, holy, the Most High. Lord God as we are before You we totally surrender ourselves. We lay down our hopes, our fears, our dreams, our loved ones and humbly beg for Your forgiveness and beauty to continue washing over us all. May we see the bright days of Your arrival, may we witness to the great change that only You can bring. In our homes, in our loved ones, in our lives. May we bear much fruit for Your glory, may we serve in the lowliest of positions that You may be blessed. Majesty of Heaven, we bear Your name! Amen! 11th Cheshvan Tuesday 12th November I Lift My Hands Firm Foundation Exodus 19 v24:25 Eventually You did come down the mountain, Lord God of Israel. You came as the Prince of Peace, Your Son, Jesus. And You broke out against Your people. The transgressors, the pretenders, the legalists and the selfish. And in return they murdered You. Now we have the opportunity to enter in to relationship with You, now we are able to stand upon You as our firm foundation. You will come again, amidst great destruction and tribulation, and judge the world, but for now we are children of grace. Help us and keep us from the folly of the Pharisees, Lord, and guide us along the path of righteousness for Your name's sake this day, amen. 10th Cheshvan Monday 11th November All Who Are Thirsty At The Cross John 17 v20:23 All who answer the call will be blessed by You, Lord Jesus. And through You by the Father. What an amazing privilege! What a humbling thought! You have made a way. You have paid the price. And through it, by no means that can possibly count towards deserving, we receive forgiveness and eternal life. Thank you, Lord, will not suffice. Yet it is all the words that we have. So let it be with actions too that we thank You and glorify Your name and our Father in Heaven. In our attitudes towards others, in our endeavour for Your Kingdom, even in the work of our hands. Thank You, Lord, for this day and each day that we walk in You, glory hallelujah! Glory amen! 9th Cheshvan Sunday 10th November How Great Thou Art Be Thou My Vision Zechariah 12 v9:14 There will come a day such as this, O Lord, when Your people will mourn You. Despite Your victory, overcoming and utter defeat of the Enemy, a time for lament and wailing and woe. Of sackcloth and ashes, of remembrance and regret. It is not something a preacher preaches about. Not something a devotion points toward. Not a place we, ourselves like to go. And yet it is the truth, as Your word declares. A time of sorrows. With the church divided, with a world given over to the pursuit of self and wealth, maybe it is time that we identify with Your grief before Your success. That we may know the cost. That we may appreciate the value. How else will we be spurred onward? What will drive us to answer Your call? Our own wealth and comfort rarely breeds zealous pursuit. So, Lord God of Israel, today let us get a sense of Your sorrow and grief, before we feel the lamplight of Your victory. Not that we may be shamed or condemned, for that price was fully paid at the Cross, but that we may share with You in Your wisdom, in the knowing of things and the reasons of things, for Your glory and name's sake, amen. 8th Cheshvan Saturday 9th November Take My Life The Potter's Hand Psalm 44 v9:26 To be changed, to be transformed, is the very essence of our relationship with You, Oh Lord of Lords and King of Kings. It is when we claim to be immutable, unchangeable, that we become most distant from You. For You are leading, guiding, transforming us to be more like You, and that is an infinite majesty that we can barely comprehend, much less be like. It will take out lifetime, and even beyond, to walk as You walked, to be compassionate, merciful, forgiving, patient, loving as You were when You were here on the earth. How could we ever expect to make that standard, to reach that goal, in a week, a year, or a decade? Rather, we should embrace the change that You bring to us. Open our hearts and minds to the blessings that You confer, and surrender ourselves, completely, to be made anew, reformed, born again, into that which we were not. For Your glory and name's sake, and because You have purposed Yourself to do just that, to make the impossible possible and set the captive free. Glory be and hallelujah forever, glorious Lord, and hosanna and thanksgiving in Your wonderful and precious name, amen! 2 Corinthians 3 v4:18 Great Is Your Faithfulness Trust And Obey 7th Cheshvan Friday 8th November Is He Worthy? He Reigns Colossians 1 v15:23 Yes in deed. Yes in example. Yes in speech. Yeshua, Jesus, is the Son of God. This is the mechanism by which we are saved. Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit are One, the One, the Most High. So close to each other as to be indistinguishable, so in agreement and unity as to be inseparable from each other, apart from that one, terrible, brief moment when the universe held its breath and the Father looked away from the Son, as He died upon the Cross. The schism necessary to bring the enmity between man and God back into order. The gap needed to bring the void back into the realm of Heaven, and to open the way for the Holy Spirit to come in to all the earth. A cosmic retune, bought at such a terrible price. As we consider the last drops of blood that flowed from Your broken body today, Lord, help us be mindful and discern the things You would want us to receive. That we may have understanding, that we gain a sense of the price that You paid gladly. So we may answer the question ourselves, "Is He worthy?" with an emphatic, "Yes!" Glory, honour and praise to YOU, Lord of Lords and King of Kings! Amen! 6th Cheshvan Thursday 7th November King Of Heaven The River Of God Revelation 22 v1:6 How vast the outpouring of Your Love, Lord God of Israel. How perfect and abundant! Today, Lord, let us dwell with a sense of Your sufficiency. Your ability to provide. Your desire to see us come through the storm. And, above all, Your declaration and intention of coming again. How we long for those streets of gold! How we thirst for a draft of that river! How amazed are we that You will be there, with us, in that time beyond time. No sickness or sorrow. No hunger beyond what can be satisfied. No anger or pain. Help us be free from these things too, that we may sing Your praises and testify to Your out reaching goodness in our lives today. Be glorified and lifted up, King of Heaven, and thanks and praise to You for lifting up the Water of Life! Glory hallelujah! Glory hosanna! Amen! 5th Cheshvan Wednesday 6th November You Make Beautiful Things We Wait For You Hebrews 10 v19:31 We are like young children before the headmaster, or the sports team before the head coach. We are nervous and hopeful, eager to please and yet gripped by a reverent fear. Thank You, Lord of Heaven, for leading us to this place. Thank You, Lord of Lords for doing all that You set out to do. And You will do more, and we are expectant and excited to receive. Lead us and guide us this day, Lord, keep us to the path of righteousness. Forget not Your words and promises and deeds towards Your people. And help us walk uprightly, as You would want us to walk. Your ways are higher, and we are called to a standard, yet we remain steadfast in our understanding that You are the God who listens to and answers prayer that is according to Your will. Help us in this also, we pray, for Your glory forever. Amen. 4th Cheshvan Tuesday 5th November Tetelestai Just One Touch From The King Joel 2 v21:32 Wonderful are Your plans for those that hear and respond to Your voice. For those that leave homes or wives or families for the sake of Your name. Your word declares that we cannot imagine how good heaven is. Yet we need Your Holy Spirit to get there. We need His presence, His guidance, His blessing. He who sees us both inside and out, who knows our words before we speak them and our thoughts before we have them. So we ask and welcome You in. We pray for Your fruitfulness within us. For life and life everlasting. We cannot and do not command You, we do not control You or insist that You follow our will. We only ask that You find us a safe vessel, and work through us for the glory of our Father in Heaven, for the name of the Son, Jesus, called Yeshua, who sits on the throne. Come, Holy Spirit, overwhelm our hearts and lives today, and inhabit each and every part. Amen. 3rd Cheshvan Monday 4th November Hosanna Hosanna Psalm 57 Yes, Lord God of Israel, Maker and Creator, Mighty One of Dan and Jacob, we lift praises to You. You are the One, most worthy. We stand with angels and saints who praise Your name. We stand on rooftops and in valleys. By the oceans and in the mountains, amongst the trees of the forest or the rocks of the desert. On rising, on sleeping, on going in and coming out, we praise You, Yahweh, Yeshua, Spirit of the Living God. Our praise is as a fountain, our praise is as a river, our praise is as an ocean, knowing no bounds, yet only one God. Most High we praise You, out of love, out of gratitude, out of reverent awe, out of recognition of who You are and what You have done. Amen! 2nd Cheshvan Sunday 3rd November Overwhelmed God Will Make A Way Romans 16 v7:16 When all around us is challenge and uncertainty, as we call to You and await Your answer, it is to our family that we turn. And yet, as new believers and new creations in You, that family is not of flesh and blood, but Spirit first. If we want true encouragement, strengthening, insight or wisdom, then these receptacles of Yours are better placed than any to coach us and mentor us and support us. Yes, we will still turn to kith and kin for the warmth and comfort of an expected response, yet our first place of calling will inevitably change to those who are best able to give help. Likewise, we must always be attentive to respond to the calls and pleas of others in our church fraternity and devote time to respond as the member of one body would have a concern for another. Keep us in this frame of thought in this day and beyond, Heavenly Father, and thank You for the blessing that is a church family that spans the globe and the centuries, as a testimony to Your ability to set people free from bondage. Onwards to the future, dear Lord of All, and glory be forever to the One who made a Way for us to return, Jesus, called Yeshua, the Messiah, amen! 1st Cheshvan Saturday 2nd November A double portion of praise and worship for the Sabbath. My Wonderful Lord Thy Will Be Done Genesis 4 v1:7 All glory, honour and praise to You, Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Though all of the mysteries have been revealed, apart from the time of Your Second Coming, there is still subtlety and depth enough in Your word to cause us to have to seek and find discernment to give us true understanding. As Your word declares, "It is the glory of God to hide, and the glory of kings to seek and find..." Thank You for Your wisdom that sharpens our minds and understanding! That we may be equipped for every good work! In today's text, two such examples from scripture. Firstly, the difference between Abel's offering and Cain's offering. Secondly, the reason Satan could so easily attack and kill Job's children in the book that bears Job's name. As we reflect, Lord, may we reflect also on the subtleties in the relationships in our own lives, that we may be made right before You, that we may uphold Your wisdom and values above all else, in Jesus's holy name, amen. Job 1 v4:22 What A Beautiful Name Blessed Assurance 30th Tishrei Friday 1st November I Will Sing The Wondrous Story Glory To God Psalm 50 v5:15 Your saints, O Lord. The workers in Your fields. Past, present and future. Today we honour and celebrate them. We give thanks For their work, their toil, their dedication, their steadfastness in times of trouble. We are part of one body that is Your church. You are the head. Those that have passed lay in slumber, by all accounts a well deserved rest. Those that are to come yet wait, but a twinkle in their father's eye. So it is up to us, as those here present, to lift a cry of praise, and proclaim our joining with them in life, as the same lifeblood as flows in Your church flows in us. Praise be! And glory hallelujah! We pray for the words and the prophecies and predictions spoken by them, past, present and future, we pray for their encouragement and health. In every way bless them, Father. Yet we do not bow down to them or pray to them, and they do not desire it. So, from the least to the greatest we uphold them and celebrate them in the mighty and precious name of Jesus, amen. 29th Tishrei Thursday 31st October Look What The Lord Has Done His Love 2 Chronicles 33 v1:13 What have we done, Lord God Almighty? How did we come to a time where evil, witchcraft and sorcery are celebrated in our society? In the societies of the world? That people should think it excellent and wise to dress and encourage their homes and their children as such? To open their doors and parade in the streets? And what do we pray for? To You, who poured out Your precious blood that we may be forever set free from such as these? That we may not have to walk in bondage to the things You hate? Lord, there are those that we care about who are involved in such practices. How can we call for a curse upon them? So, in our woe, Lord God Almighty, in the wretchedness of our estate and the fulness of our understanding and our abject refusal to take part, we pray for a blessing. For their eyes to be opened, to the things in their hands and upon their children's hands, and to the looks upon their faces, the look of the very spirits they parade through the streets. Avarice, cruelty, witchcraft, greed and rebellion, the very heart of all that is celebrated on this 'All Hallows Eve.' Amen! 28th Tishrei Wednesday 30th October Christ Is My Firm Foundation My God Is Awesome Psalm 103 You speak life over and into Your children, Great King of Heaven, Yahweh, Lord of Hosts. You form each one. They are precious to You. You count the hairs on their heads; by You they are fearfully and wonderfully made. In this, we must lay our foundation for our love of others. Jesus so loved the world that He gave His life for it, gladly. He wept for its sorrows, He was moved for its struggles and woes. Help us press in, Lord Jesus. Help us go deeper. With those near and far, with those who have hurt us and with those who treat us well. Help us reach out to them, in love and with total dependence on You. We cannot love as You love in our own strength, but by the flow and power of the Holy Spirit within us, we can be vessels of such love in this world. Continue to pour out Your love, we pray, as we look to the change in our communities, societies, nations and world. The Lord God of Israel sits on the Throne, mighty to save, and His love, His agape love, transcends and over bounds every other form. Amen. 27th Tishrei Tuesday 29th October My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less Majesty Of The Most High Colossians 3 v7:17 To stand on You is to walk after Your ways of righteousness. Although You are our justification, we can choose to align ourselves with Your thoughts, words and deeds; to honour and give thanks to the One who saved us. Although the best of our works in this world will be as filthy rags before You, the Perfect and Holy, the Most High, then may they be acceptable filthy rags today. May our witness, by example, be an inspiration to others, not that we can become puffed up, but that we may see and give thanks for Your outworking through us, for Your glory and name's sake. You rescued us as sinners, deserving the fulness of Your wrath, and You caused us to be born again, bringing light to the darkness and fulfilment to Your desire and intent. All glory, honour and praise are Yours, Lord of Lords and King of Kings, forever, amen. 26th Tishrei Monday 28th October Cornerstone Thy Lovingkindness 2 Timothy 3 v16:17 Today we give thanks and praise for Your written word, Lord. You have inspired it that we may have a written account of Your intent and desires, and of the history of Your outworking of faith to make the universe whole again after the fall. It is incredible that You should do this with such precision and excellence, over a period of four thousand years and more, It is incredible that there is no other piece of literature like it, divinely inspired and continuing in life, bound to Your life and nature. There may be books of wisdom, even books narrated by angels, but they become lifeless, fixed, only open to the interpretation of men once the ink dries upon the paper. We thank you for the prophets and other writers, who gave their ear to You to receive and record Your word, and for the many who have copied, translated, published and defended it over the years. We pray against those that misuse or twist parts of it to try and suit their own needs and ideas, right up to the King of Deceivers, Satan. May Your words, Lord God of Israel, become as broken stones in the mouths of those who do so. And, Lord, please continue to bless it in reading and communication, that the words that are so vital for true life for all, reaches the ears and does, as You say it must do, all that You have set it to, in Jesus's name. Amen! 25th Tishrei Sunday 27th October An extra song of worship just for the sheer heck of it. :-) He is worthy! Ever Be Praises Habakkuk 3 v9:19 It is Your power to deliver. It is Your sacrifice that is honoured. It is a work that You alone completed. You were abandoned to the last by every other soul. You did not ask for help from anyone but Yourself and yet, when all was said and done, You, Yourself, went down into the pit of Death and Hell to bring back what was lost. And You did it. Despite the burden, despite the pain, despite the shame, despite the suffering. You did it all. That is why You are worthy of praise. That is why You are seated on the Throne. That is why every human owes You a debt that can never be repaid. That is why there is a Way open that can lead us back to You. Your deliverance. Your forgiveness. Your mercy. Your grace. Glory be to the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings! Hear, O Israel, the truth declared of Your Lord and Master! Hear, O world, that You have a Ransomer and a rightful ruler! With love, truth and justice, He can set us all free to rule with Him! Glory hallelujah! Glory amen! There Is A Redeemer 24th Tishrei Saturday 26th October Arise Arise Luke 7 v4:10 Though we prayed yesterday for clemency and continued blessing on Your children yet unborn, there also will will be a time of separation and wrath. Sheep from goats; good figs from bad; wheat from tares. Your word is clear in its analogies. A cutting off. The distinction of one being like the other, but not the same. One acceptable and bearing fruit, another unbearable, a victim of its own deceptiveness. Today we pray to be mindful on how far to pursue the broken ones. In the light of our own wretched condition prior to meeting You, and the example You gave over and again. Be strengthened in Spirit within us, O Lord, that we may see the wonder of Your days, that we may pursue others as You pursued us, leaving even the ninety nine for the one. Thank You, Lord and Father, for bringing us to this place. Thank You, Saviour and friend for counting us among Your kin. Glory be to the Lord, the Most High, in Jesus's name, amen! Obadiah v16:18 God Will Take Care Of You Living Hope 23rd Tishrei Friday 25th October Yahweh There Is A King Of Glory Habbakuk 3 v7:19 Oh Lord! How we trembled when we discovered that we were enemies with You! Now, how we shake for those who choose to receive You not. You have grafted free choice within their DNA, as part of their identity as autonomous beings made in Your image, and they reject You. You made the bones, their joints, their marrow, You knit them together in the womb, You even poured out Your Spirit over the whole earth that they might see. Yet they don't. They choose not to. As the maker of the stars and the sky and all the things in and on and under the earth, we petition You this day to touch them yet. To reveal yourself in signs and wonders, to touch them in the coldness of their lives, that they may receive life! You ways are not our ways, your thoughts are so much deeper, as Your word declares, yet we may know you with the innocence of children and with the understanding of a heart that is open to true reason. This world, this universe, in its richness, complexity and wonder, cannot be a mistake. Cannot have come about by sheer chance. Cannot be ascribed by human minds. So we pray to You, Lord Jesus, to petition the Father for blessing, and to continue to pour out the water of life before the cup of wrath. Amen. 22nd Tishrei Thursday 24th October See A Victory Miracles John 11 v45:53 Even those who opposed you, yet were in authority, recognised Your power, expressed through miracles. Healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons, providing for the needy, these and more were recognised as issuing from the palms of Your hands. Yet, given this witness of divine intervention, they still chose to reject You for fear of a worldly response of suffering and material loss. Help us this day, Father, apply value to the things that are right and true, and to reject the things that are of little true value. You see and reveal with supernatural eyes the value of the precious stones in the High Priest's robes, and it is with this kind of insight and discernment we pray to You for equipping in. That we may see ourselves, and that we may speak with authority to others. In Jesus's name, amen. 21st Tishrei Wednesday 23rd October Feast of Booths Day 7. An extra song of praise and worship for the festival. Came To My Rescue I Am No Victim Exodus 17 v9:16 Today we give thanks and make prayer and petition for our leaders. In politics and in our work life. In our churches and through all the organisations we are associated with. Thank You, Lord for the leaders in each one. Bless their lives and bless their families. Have Your angels watch over them and defend them from corruption and harm. Help them know You and see You and cause them to walk uprightly. Strengthen them for the day and encourage them through signs and wonders for Your glory and grace. Make their paths straight, where they negotiate for things of the Kingdom and in petition for Your children here on Earth. Above all, we honour You, Your Son, Jesus, the Messiah, who is at once King over all and the High Priest and head of His bride, the church, and pray for every blessing and overcoming necessary that will make Your Kingdom be established over all the Earth. Amen. So Will I 20th Tishrei Tuesday 22nd October Feast of Booths Day 6. An extra song of praise and worship for the festival. With All My Heart You Make Me Brave Numbers 26 v63:65 Your message was clear to those who followed You out of Egypt and headed towards the Promised Land. Your edict could not be bent or broken. Those who wish to inherit must also fulfil a life of belief and pursuit. The people in the wilderness, apart from Joshua and Caleb, doubted Your word and drew back from what they perceived to be a daunting task. Yet, had they pursued You and trusted in You, they would have rested in the assurance that the people and places they faced were more daunted by the approaching population, and the God who went before them as Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Today, help us trust You more in the provision and protection, in the justification and the righteousness. We know, as they did, that we did not have these things in our own strength, yet, help us see that You are with us and go before us as a banner, the God of Isaac and the God of Abraham, the Maker and Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. Not to crush, but to embrace, not to bring fierce countenance, but to love, those who would turn and accept as we once did, for Your name's sake. Amen. Closer 19th Tishrei Monday 21st October Feast of Booths Day 5. An extra song of praise and worship for the festival. You Are God Alone Lord You're Mighty Job 9 v19:35 You delivered Your people with a strong hand, Lord God of Israel. You hardened Pharaoh's heart, then tested it with many plagues. When his chariots pursued Your people, You brought the waters crashing down on their heads, the same waters that You had piled up so that Your people might cross the Red Sea as if they were walking on dry land. In later days, You would crush their enemies and make tribute come from all the known earth. Let us celebrate Your strength today, Father, and be ever mindful of its power. You are able to raise up nations and set them down, You can shake the earth and cause its hills to melt like wax. And, where needed, according to Your word, may we be strengthened for Your glory and name's sake, amen. See His Love 18th Tishrei Sunday 20th October Feast of Booths Day 4. An extra song of praise and worship for the festival. ​'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus There Is A Redeemer Exodus 7 v10:25 And so the ruination of blood was to the people of Egypt. Yet You, Lord, are the life giving water that becomes rivers inside of those who trust You, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We want the world to hear and know of the life and truth that You are in our lives, Jesus, how You have changed us and transformed us, that the same offer is available to those others, that they too may be changed. And You have not hardened their hearts, Lord, it is just that their love of this world and addiction to their joyless lives is so severe. Help us Lord today, we pray. To witness faithfully. To see lives transformed, to see Your Spirit aflame in others, as You are and have been in ours. For Your glory and the joy in fellowship and awakening of people to a wider truth. Amen. What A Wonderful Name 17th Tishrei Saturday 19th October Feast of Booths Day 3. A double portion of praise and worship for the Sabbath. My Lighthouse Better Is One Day Exodus 4 v17:31 Today we pray and give thanks for those who have prayed over and for us. From before we were changed to the present day and beyond, there are those of Your children who have lifted us up. Whether indirectly or directly, only You see the web of connections and hear every single prayer, whether thought or whispered, raised or shouted. Our family members and friends; those that pass us in the streets, whether day by day or just once in a lifetime; and those righteous and holy warriors who uplift all the saints in prayer, we pray for them and give thanks for them. You know also where You have acted for their petitions and intercessions, against our own will and direction. Where You have honoured a call to reach out and save, a cry for protection or a plea for forgiveness. Help us be mindful of such intercession and to become practitioners ourselves, where in Your word it says, "...pray at all times in the Spirit...with all perseverance and requests for all the saints..." For provision and protection; establishment and healing, giving glory, honour and praise, amen, Lord of Lords. Amen! King of Kings! 1 Timothy 4 v16 As For Me And My House Who Am I? 16th Tishrei Friday 18th October Feast of Booths Day 2. An extra song of praise and worship for the festival. Tetelestai Come To Save Us Luke 23 v26:48 During this time of celebration, Lord God of Israel, let us not forget what the Exodus truly heralded. All things in the Old Testament point to the coming of the Christ, the fulfilment of prophecies, the completion of Your work of Salvation. It is by this that we are marked as different, those saved by grace through repentance and faith, and through this that the way was opened for all mankind to be saved. Let Your Spirit prick our conscience as we read, let Your angels ever press to remind us of that great and terrible day, until such time as You come again with a shout! And let us draw together, at the foot of Your cross, to hear those words that bind us, that identify us, that free us, "It is finished!" Amen! Leaning On My Beloved 15th Tishrei Thursday 17th October Feast of Booths Day 1. An extra song of praise and worship for the festival. To God Be The Glory Praise, My Soul, The King Of Heaven Exodus 1 v1:20 It was a thing that You did, Father of Heaven, in rescuing Your people from famine and reconciling Jacob and his sons to Joseph. Though they rested on their success, and stayed in the land of Egypt for four hundred years, it was Your doing. Your strengthening. Your preparing. The necessary tale, the people who would be Your people; the same as You would bring out of Egypt in the years to come. The same deliverance that we remember and begin to celebrate this day. In essence, You baptised Your people in the waters of the Nile, in the waters of sensuality. From our carnal beginnings, all mankind are called to forsake the old nature and embrace the new, spiritual awakening. Today we pray and give thanks for our forbears, both physical and spiritual. We do not bow down or make shrines for them. We do not pray to them for wisdom or blessing or guidance. We remember them as they have carried us, as they have toiled to make life come to pass, as fathers and mothers, as brothers and sisters and friends. That they have carried or given witness to Your light, that they may rest in peace and be brought up again on the last day. We thank You, Father, for the abundant life, and the struggle that so rightfully should have been total annihilation; the opportunity to be born and to walk again with You, out of the land of Egypt, amen. Glory To God Forever 14th Tishrei Wednesday 16th October Where You Go I Go Our God Reigns Here Psalm 31 v1:12 Our wretchedness would be without end before You, Lord of Hosts, were it not for the gift of Your Son, Jesus, who is the Christ. We cannot plot or fathom our lostness, only know that we would be without light, and without hope. And such our condition would be set to be again, should the one called Satan have his say and way. Today, we stand by the words of these praises, today we trust in the words of Your Psalms, as we cry to You and look to You to rebuke and quell the Devil. In his schemes, in our homes, in the lives of those we love and care for. "Rebuke him, Lord!" we pray. We know that he is set aside for destruction, Lord, and as such serves a purpose for You, so we ask, if we cannot avoid or utterly undo him, that You grant us safe path and a clean cut THROUGH him. That we may be as shards that pierce and cut him, the name of Yeshua burnt with coal upon our lips. Help us be instruments of Your righteousness we pray, in Jesus's name, amen. 13th Tishrei Tuesday 15th October Nothing Is Impossible Praise The Lord, Oh My Soul John 11 v1:16 Until our lives are so aligned with Yours as to want to follow You down into death, we shall not have the victory over this life. Thomas did not know the way or understand how to be saved, yet He gave of his life freely because being with You was simply better. It can be hard, Lord, with the complexities of life, for us to know or discern the way forward. Yet, as long as we trust in You, we will be safe. So, may we keep to the Narrow Path this day, hold fast to Your teachings and commandments, and seek opportunity to serve in every moment, that You may be glorified. You have called us out, You have changed us forever. Help us walk in this and to this, to the lives that You would have us lead, we pray, in Jesus's name, amen. 12th Tishrei Monday 14th October Nothing But The Blood Holy Is The Lamb Revelation 5 v8:14 Today we lift a prayer of lamentation and grieve with You, Father God, for those who are lost. Whose lives and minds speak against You. Whose hearts are hardened. Whose spirits are cut off. We do not know the reason for their passing, yet we trust that in You is justice and righteousness sufficient to correctly discern their heart and way. And for those that still have breath and life, we commit ourselves once again to prayer and witness, that they may yet be snatched from the fire. You are merciful until the very end. In particular we lift up those who are close to us, that they may know the truth before the end. In Jesus's mighty and precious name, amen. 11th Tishrei Sunday 13th October Crown Him With Many Crowns To God Be The Glory Job 40 v1:14 How perilous and wretched our condition before You, O Lord of Hosts. How proud our claims, how vain our boastings. And vaunting what? A mere man? We were made by You. We live in the world that You created. We breath the very air that You breathed into our nostrils. No, in truth, we cannot speak. No, in truth, we cannot claim anything as our own. Yet, our inheritance and righteousness also lay with You. You have made a way. You have opened the gates. Where once, one man made atonement for the sins of the people, now the temple lies in ruins, as the One who entered in was greater than man himself. On this we lay our hope. In this we owe our life. Teach us to stay our mouths and to wait on You this day, Father, the Author and Finisher of Our Faith. Amen. 10th Tishrei Saturday 12th October Day of Atonement. Still a solemn day of fasting and repentance in Judaism, yet a day of celebration, joy and thanksgiving for those that follow Christ! He has paid the highest price, we are set free of every debt! A double portion of praise and worship for the Sabbath. God Of This City Revive Us! Leviticus 16 Rejoice and thanksgiving! Yeshua has become both the scapegoat and the lamb that was slain. He has paid the price, He has borne the burden. In His forty days in the wilderness He was presented before the Enemy and tested for His fitness. On the Cross of Calvary He paid the price of His blood. Yet blameless He was and blameless He remains, the right of His sacrifice was His alone to make, at once man, at once God, the Maker and Creator of all things, whose Spirit testified to the rightness and fitness of it. Glory hallelujah! Lord of Lords and King of Kings! Most excellently done, such grace and perfection in fulfilling all that was necessary, even before the most savage of accusers. May the world's eyes be opened, Most High, to the truth and the excellence of it, that it may be saved, and the burden of guilt claimed and laid by the Enemy overturned, in Jesus's mighty name, amen! John 9 v26:34 Rejoice! God Of Miracles 9th Tishrei Friday 11th October Open The Eyes Of My Heart Lord Lord I Need You 2 Timothy 4 v13:18 You are mindful of the great things and the small things, God of Abraham. The world is wrong when it glibly decrees, "the Devil is in the detail." You who formed the stars and galaxies also called to live the mayfly and the mustard seed, even the sub atomic particles are within Your field of view. You are in all things and You are through all things. So, Lord, help us see You today. In our homes, in our lives, in our times. May we be mindful, and may we commit. We want to glorify You. We want to know You. And, Lord, how we need You. Remember us, this day, we pray, and cause us to be refreshed in the presence of darkness. You are the Way, the Truth and the Life, and are as vital for us as breath or blood. In Jesus's name we pray, amen. 8th Tishrei Thursday 10th October My Wonderful Lord Take Me In To The Holy Of Holies Hosea 5 O Lord God Almighty, Most High, when You speak through Your prophets You speak in wisdom and truth. You know Your children as Your own, You know their potential and their weakness. Yet You love them, Your desire is that, through their own choice, they return to You. It is sad that, given Your splendour and majesty and good will towards them, it is only in trial and tribulation, the consequence of their idolatry and rebellion, will they turn to You. This why You sent the Saviour. To break the cycle of rebellion and condemnation, to overcome the mechanism of disaster that hung over every child of the world. We all fall short of the mark. So, Lord, today we lift our wretched hands towards You once again, and press into the forgiveness You have wrought, the victory You have won. Take us into Your presence, and bless us as we acknowledge You as the One, True, Living Lord. Help us in our afflictions, we pray, guide us in the paths of righteousness for Your name's sake, gift us the breath of life that is the living water of Your Son, in whose name we pray, Jesus, amen. 7th Tishrei Wednesday 9th October Hail Jesus You're My King Mighty Man Of War 2 Samuel 17 v1:16 Our folly as men, O God of Israel, is that we believe that we will conquer in our own strength. We believe that the secret of our overcoming relies on our numbers and strength of arms. The man after Your own heart, David, knew the folly of this thinking. He knew that it was in a man's faith in You alone that the real key to victory lay. Without You, we are but dust. So, Lord, today, may we lay down our strength before You and weep like kittens at Your feet, the laces of which we are not fit to untie. You will lift our hands to bend the bows of bronze. You will strengthen our limbs that we may stand in the world's darkest hour, but for today Lord, may we humble ourselves before You. As great kings, as mighty men of valour, as fathers and brothers, warriors and priests. That You may be glorified and acknowledged, that You may be marked and recognised as the One, True King, Lord of Lords, Maker and Creator, Lord of the Universe, amen. 6th Tishrei Tuesday 8th October Closer The Waiting John 16 v1:16 Sometimes, Father, it can be hard to connect our faith with Your plan. The timings are beyond us, the scale in saving a world that is so complex beyond our mortal ability to comprehend. So help us in the day to day things, Lord. You have told us many times to lay down our anxiety and fears, so be with us in establishing our trust in You and Your ability to, "make all things beautiful in their time." Your Word declares that You will not test us beyond what we are able to withstand. Your love for us knows no bounds. We give You thanks and awestruck wonder today Lord, in Jesus's name, amen. 5th Tishrei Monday 7th October With All My Heart Early I Will Seek You Song Of Solomon 3 v1:4 To seek You with all of our heart is to find You. To find You is to know You. And to know You is to love You, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Israel. And to find You revealed in Your Son, Jesus, who is the Christ, is greater still. A love that transcends all other love. A love that knows and discovers that You loved us first. Such is the undoing of all else in truth. Such is the matter that makes all other religion, thought and belief the dry bones of unfulfilled love, the ever wandering heart crying out until passing, never having received the One whose voice calmed the sea. Help us, this day, to know and love You more, Father. We will never plunge to its deepest depth or drain the ocean of its wealth, so we ask, we beg, we seek, to know You a little more. In the name of Jesus, Yeshua, the One who came to save us, amen. 4th Tishrei Sunday 6th October Apologies for the late posting. 10, 000 Reasons God Of Wonders Obadiah v4:9 Your word declares that the fear of You is the beginning of wisdom. How easily You could end our lives! This is why You taught us to pray, "...lead us not into temptation." For if You did we would be so completely undone! Elsewhere it tells about ment who put their faith in chariots and horses...weapons of warfare and strength, even mighty armies. Yet all would be as melting hills before You, Lord of Hosts. Even though You are Lord and Sovereign over the armies of Heaven, with its chariots of fire, You are sufficient in Yourself to overcome and cancel every opposition. So Lord, we kneel before You and give thanks, and acknowledge You for who You are, the Maker and Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. As Jesus, the Messiah, You overcame the world and we pray for You today to overcome in us. Because You are great and strong and mighty. and merciful, everlasting Father, amen. 3rd Tishrei Saturday 5th October A double portion of praise and worship for the Sabbath Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus I Come Into The Garden Isaiah 42 v10:17 You are might and majesty, You are salvation and life, God of Isaac. We see the work of your hands. The cities of Jericho and Sodom trembled and fell, their proud walls and ramparts come to nothing. Nothing can stand against You and not be overcome. Today, as we rest in Your presence, may we get a strong sense of purpose and understanding, may we be blessed with the presence of Your Holy Spirit, with a deep sense of comfort and peace that can only come from You. May we also uphold our brothers and sisters in Christ to receive of the same. Glory be to You, Most High God, thanks and praise for Your Son, who made this journey with You possible. It is right and good that His is the Name Above All Names, Jesus, called Yeshua. Amen. Matthew 7 v9:14 Holy Spirit, Come Beautiful Saviour 2nd Tishrei ​Friday 4th October Holding Nothing Back Hosanna Psalm 117 All glory to the Lord, our God, the Most High. You are worthy to be praised. Your faithfulness stretches to the sky. Who is like You in all the earth? With whom could we compare You too? You have no rival or equal. You are the One who sits enthroned above the heavens and the earth. Yet You have made a way,. You have sent Your Son. You have died on a cross. You have overcome sin and the grave. As we look to You and worship You this day, may You continue to bless us out of the goodness of Your heart. With grace and favour, with provision and strength for the day. That we might praise You more and look to follow Your example, by sharing the love that You have shown for us with others, both inside and outside of Your church. That You may be glorified and lifted higher, in Jesus's wonderful and matchless name, amen. 1st Tishrei Thursday 3rd October Feast of Trumpets Rosh Hoshana 5785 Awake, Awake O Zion Arise! Numbers 20 v1:13 On this day of celebration, we exalt You and lift Your name on high. And yet, let us not forget the attitude of the Israelites this year, the slow falling away that led them to be so rebellious, even such a short time after their release from Egypt. As we purse our lips to blow the shofars, let us do so with the resolution not to depart from Your direction, with a dedication to follow Your lead and take action. And then let us blow, with the might of the heroes of yesterday, with the strength that they received from You, Lord God of All Creation, that Your name be exalted, that the name of Jesus be lifted high and that Your people may awake from their reverie and be saved. For Your glory and name's sake, and the coming of Your Kingdom to the earth. Amen.